
We welcome you at the BA in Hellenic Studies of Democritus University of Thrace with a sense of pride and excitement. Our faculty and staff are committed to ensuring that we have an inspiring, thought provoking, welcoming and safe community for all students. We know that students will find many exciting things at our school and get to know with Greek Culture and Language.

The Coordinator of the BA, Professor Zoe Gavriilidou

The mission of the BA in Hellenic Studies

  1. Is the study of Greek Language and Civilization in their synchrony and diachrony,
  2. Is to provide theoretical and practical training to students in the field of translation and Greek Language teaching.

The BAs’ mission

  1. Is to serve educational, research, cultural and wider social goals, in liaison and cooperation with Greek and foreign universities, other educational and research organizations and community stakeholders, with a commitment to the principles of scientific ethic, accountability, sustainable development and social cohesion.
  2. Is the adoption of new forms of knowledge attainment and new teaching and learning methods, so that its graduates will become critical thinkers, not simply trained for a future career as educators and translators but also obtain skills that will ensure alternative professional prospects, even beyond traditional teaching positions (connection between university studies and labour market).

Key Benefits

The heritage language learning sector is increasingly aware of the need for highly trained educators. Graduates of this new program have the appropriate training to teach Modern Greek both to Greek heritage speakers in diaspora communities all over the world and to individuals who are interested in learning Modern or Ancient Greek. Our graduates will be in a position to find employment in cultural heritage organisations, in education, in the media and publishing, in translation, in tourism, in Greek embassies and private commercial companies.

There are certainly many Hellenic studies programmes on offer outside Greece, but ours is the only one in the field that caters for the needs of international students and takes place in Greece itself, which is rightly regarded as the birth place of western civilization. This means that students learn through direct, hands-on experience and become familiar with Greek culture and language in its context. The degree is taught in English, which gives students who do not know any Greek yet access to Greek culture.