• Maria Mitsiaki

    Associate Professor

    Maria Mitsiaki is Associate Professor in Applied Linguistics at DUTH. Her research interests center on L2 acquisition and teaching, content-based language teaching, pedagogical lexicography, language assessment, and curricula development. She [...]

  • Ioannis Deligiannis

    Associate Professor

    Ioannis Deligiannis is Associate Professor of Latin at the Department of Greek Philology at Democritus University of Thrace. He studied Classics at the University of Athens, Greece, and did postgraduate [...]

  • Charilaos Michalopoulos

    Associate Professor

    Charilaos N. Michalopoulos is Associate Professor of Latin at Democritus University of Thrace. He studied Classics at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (BA 2001) and the University of Leeds (MA 2002; [...]

  • Spyros Kiosses

    Associate Professor

    Spyros Kiosses teaches at the Department of Language and Intercultural Studies of the University of Thessaly as Associate Professor in "Theory of Literature and Creative Writing". He is the author [...]

  • Anna Mastrogianni

    Assistant Professor

    Anna Mastrogianni is Assistant Professor in Latin Literature at the Department of Greek Literature, Democritus University of Thrace. She received her BA in Classics from the Department of Classical Philology, [...]