Course Outline

1. Introduction. 20th Century and its historical and literary context.
2. The predecessors. The generation of 1880. Kostis Palamas. The Parnassians. The Symbolists. The Language Question. Folklore and realism in prose
3. «Under the heavy shadow of Palamas» (K.Th. Dimaras). The first decades of 20th century. Poetry and prose fiction.
4. C.P. Kavafis, Angelos Sikelianos, Nikos Kazantzakis, Kostas Varnalis.
5. Karyotakis and the Later Symbolists.
6. «Manifesto» for a new age: Theotokas’ Free Spirit (1929) (according to R. Beaton).
7. «Generation of 1930». Prose fiction. Three groups (R. Beaton): A) «Fiction as Testimony. The “Aeolian School”» (Stratis Doukas, Stratis Myrivilis etc.).
8. «Generation of 1930». Prose fiction. B) Urban Realism (George Theotokas, Angelos Terzakis etc.).
C) The Modernists (N.G. Pentzikis, Giannis Skarimpas etc.).
9. «Generation of 1930». Poetry (George Seferis, Odysseas Elytis, Andreas Empirikos, Nikos
Eggonopoulos, Giannis Ritsos etc.).
10. «Generation of 1930». The Left Wing Poets (Giannis Ritsos, Nikiforos Vrettakos).
11. Literature under Dictatorship of Ioannis Metaxas and the German Occupation of Greece (1936- 1944).
12. Post-war poetry. The “new voices” (Aris Alexandrou, Manolis Anagnostakis, Takis Sinopoulos,
Miltos Sahtouris,Ektor Kaknavatos, Nanos Valaoritis etc.).
13. Post-war fiction (Sotiris Patatzis, Rodis Roufos, Margarita Lymberaki, Dimitris Hatzis, Stratis Tsirkas, Giorgos Ioannou, Alexandros Kotzias, Thanassis Valtinos etc.).