Course Outline

A. The first three hours will be used for a description of the course’s content, methodology, skills to be acquired and evaluation system, after getting to know each other (students and instructor).
B. An introductory course for the scientific Study of Modern Greek Literature with reference to the four methodological “tools” of Modern Greek Philology, namely Theory, History, Comparative Literature and Literary Criticism, since our course includes studying and analyzing exemplary texts.
C. The main part of the course is an attempt to present a historical outline of Modern Greek Literature throughout the centuries till the creation of the Greek Republic. The historical outline is offered under a theoretical perspective, focusing on the dominant literary genres, movements and arts of each period, and not as presented in the traditional Histories of Modern Greek Literature. The comparative perspective is another aspect of the exemplary text approaches of the course and the students are stimulated to use it in their essays, depending on their country of origin. The passages of literary texts approached within the class are offered in an on line and open access anthology: